Creator Academy Search and discovery on YouTube - Introduction

Creator Academy Search and discovery on YouTube - Introduction.

Creator Academy Search and discovery on YouTube - Introduction

YouTube tries to match each viewer with videos they are most likely to want to watch and enjoy. With more than 400 hours of video uploaded every minute, that can be a challenge. YouTube's recommendation system provides real-time feedback loops to meet the needs of each audience and their interests. Our goal is to attract people to watch more videos they like, so they keep returning to YouTube regularly.

Creators often ask, "What type of video do algorithms like the most?" Our system has no preferences regarding the type of video you are making, and also does not choose a specific format. Instead, our system tries as much as possible to follow the audience by paying attention to things like:

what they watch
what they don't watch
how much time they spend watching
like and not like
enter 'not interested'
Instead of worrying about what the algorithm likes, it should focus on what the audience likes. If you do this and people watch your video, the algorithm will follow. What video do viewers like most? How often do they watch your channel? Check YouTube Analytics to answer the following questions.

Fluctuations and seasonality
Over time, it's only natural that your channel's performance fluctuates. Now the audience has many choices. They might like you this week, but not the following week. Or maybe they are on vacation and don't even watch the following week. Familiarize yourself with fluctuations and seasonality, and don't draw conclusions based on only one or two videos uploaded. Get a better picture of overall channel performance.

Carry out experiments
Sometimes creators also ask, "What if I try something new on my channel?" Experimenting is very important for creative people, and when starting a channel, free yourself to try all types of videos to find the right one. After that, if you want to try something new, listen to the audience's input.

If you are constantly uploading videos about the same thing, and that doesn't encourage audience interaction like before, this might be a sign that you should try something new. Even the best video formats have a limited lifetime, and experiments can help you recognize the next trend so you can maintain or enhance audience interaction.

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