Taman Sari Yogyakarta

Taman Sari Yogyakarta
PanyoGan - Tamansari Ngayogyakarta) is a site of the former palace garden or palace of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace, which can be compared to the Bogor Botanical Gardens as the gardens of the Bogor Palace. This garden was built during the time of Sultan Hamengku Buwono I (HB I) in 1758-1765 / 9. Initially, the park which got the title "The Fragrant Garden" has an area of ​​more than 10 hectares with around 57 buildings in the form of buildings, bathing pools, suspension bridges, water canals, as well as artificial lakes and artificial islands and underwater passageways. The garden, which was used effectively between 1765-1812, initially stretched from the southwest of the Kedhaton complex to the southeast of the M Merchant complex.

But at this time, the only remnants of Taman Sari that can be seen are in the southwest of the Kedhaton complex.

It is said that Taman Sari was built in the former old palace, Pesanggrahan Garjitawati, which was established by Susuhunan Paku Buwono II as a resting place for horse-drawn carriages going to Imogiri. As the leader of the Taman Sari development project, Tumenggung Mangundipuro was appointed. All development costs will be borne by the Regent of Madiun, Tumenggung Prawirosentiko, along with all his people. Therefore the Madiun area is exempt from taxation. In the midst of the development the project leader was taken over by Prince Notokusumo, after Mangundipuro resigned. Although officially as a royal garden, but there are buildings that indicate the park

Sari functions as the last bastion if the palace is attacked by enemies. It is said that one of the architects of this royal garden was a Portuguese better known as Demang Tegis.

Taman Sari Complex can be divided into at least 4 parts. The first part is an artificial lake located to the west. The next part is the building located in the south of the artificial lake, including the Umbul Binangun Bath. The third part is Pasarean Ledok Sari and Garjitawati Pond which is located south of the second part. The last part is the eastern part of the first and second parts and extends eastward to the southeast of the Magang complex.

The first part is the main part of Taman Sari in its time. In his day, this place was the most exotic place. This part consists of an artificial lake called "Segaran" (literally = artificial sea) and the building in the middle, and buildings and parks and gardens around the artificial lake. In addition to maintaining various types of fish, artificial lake Segaran also functioned as the canoeing place of the Sultan and the royal family. Now this artificial lake no longer contains water but has become a dense settlement known as the Taman village. The remaining buildings are in very poor condition.

Pulo Kenongo
In the middle of Segaran is an artificial island, "Pulo Kenongo", which is planted with the Kenanga tree (Kananga odorantum, Magnoliaceae family. On top of the artificial island a two-story building, "Gedhong Kenongo" is built. The largest building in the first section is quite tall From the highest platform one can observe the Yogyakarta Palace and its surroundings to the outside of the baluwarti fortress, it is said that Gedhong Kenongo consists of several rooms with different functions, from afar this building is like floating on the water, so it is not surprising if Taman Sari is dubbed the name "Water Castle" (Water Castle). Currently (January 2008) the building is only in ruins.

To the south of Pulo Kenongo there are lines of small buildings called "Tajug". This building is an air ventilation tower for underwater tunnels. This tunnel is the entrance to Pulo Kenongo besides using a canoe / boat to sail the artificial lake. Previously in the western part of the artificial island there was also a tunnel, but the condition is now less maintained compared to the southern tunnel.

Pulo Cemethi and Gumuling Well
To the south of Pulo Kenongo there is another artificial island called "Pulo Cemethi". This two-story building is also referred to as "Pulo Panembung". It is here that the Sultan is said to meditate. There are also those who call it the "Gumantung Well", because in the south there is a well that hangs above the ground surface. It is said to get to this place is through an underwater tunnel. The building is currently undergoing a major renovation phase aimed at restoring existing buildings.

Umbul Pasiraman

Umbul Binangun Bathing Pool, Taman Sari, Yogyakarta Palace

"Umbul Pasiraman" or some call it "Umbul Binangun" (pronunciation in Javanese "Umbul Winangun") is a bathing pool for the Sultan, the empress, the wives (garwo ampil), and the princesses of the king. This complex is surrounded by high walls. To get to this place two gates are provided, one on the east side and one on the west side. Inside this gate there is a descending level.

In the Umaman Pasiraman complex there are three ponds decorated with mushroom-shaped springs. Around the pool there are giant flower pots. Besides swimming there are also buildings on the north side and in the south center.

The building on the northernmost side is a place of rest and changing clothes for daughters and wives (concubines). To the south there is a pool called "Umbul Muncar". A pier-like road forms the boundary between this pool and a pond to the south called "Blumbang Kuras".

In the south of Blumbang Kuras there is a building with a tower in the middle. The west wing building is a place to change clothes and the east wing to rest the Sultan. The tower in the center is said to have been used by the Sultan to see his wife and daughter bathing and the most impressive naked body of the sultan would be summoned to the tower. In the south of the building there is a pool called "Umbul Binangun", a bathing pool which is devoted to the Sultan and the Emperors. In his day, apart from the Sultan, only women were permitted to enter this complex. This is possible because all the women (consorts, wives (concubines) and the sultan's daughters) who enter the sari garden must remove their clothes (naked), so that in addition women are strictly forbidden by the sultan to enter Taman Sari.

Gedhong Sekawan

In the east of the sandaman pennant there is an octagonal yard. In the yard which is decorated with rows of giant flower pots stand 4 similar buildings. The building is named "Gedhong Sekawan". This place is used to rest the Sultan and his family. On each side of the page there are doors that connect it to other pages.

Gedhong Gapuro Stage

To the east of the octagonal yard is a building called "Gedhong Gapura Panggung". This building has four levels, two on the west side and two on the east side. Previously in this building there were four statues of snakes but now there are only two left. This Gedhong Gapura Stage symbolizes the year that Taman Sari was built, namely in 1684 Java (about 1758 AD). Also in this building there are also decorative reliefs such as in Gedhong Gapura Hageng. The east side of the building is now the entrance to the Taman Sari site.

Gedhong Temanten

In the southeast and northeast of the Gapuro Stage gate there is a building called "Gedhong Temanten". This building was used as a place for security guards on duty and a place to rest. According to a reconstruction of Taman Sari in the south of this building there is another building which now has no trace while on its north side there is a garden which has also been turned into a residential area.

Third Part

This part does not leave much marks that can be seen. Therefore the description in this section is largely from the existing reconstruction. Previously this section included the "Pasarean Dalem Ledok Sari Complex" and the "Garjitawati" pool complex as well as several other buildings and parks / gardens. Dalem Ledok Sari Pasarean is the remainder of this section which is maintained. Pasarean Dalem Ledok Sari is said to have been a place of reconciliation between the Sultan and his empire.

Another version says as a place of meditation. The building is shaped like a U. In the middle of the building there is a Sultan's bed beneath which flowing water flows. A kitchen, a tailor's room, a storage room, and two ponds for servants as well as a garden of spices, fruits and vegetables are thought to be in this section. In the west there used to be the Garjitawati pond complex. If that is true then this complex is the rest of Garjitawati's resting place and most likely also is the Umbul Pacethokan that was once used by Panembahan Senopati.

Fourth part

This last part is part of Taman Sari which is practically no longer left except the former suspension bridge and the rest of the pier. The description in this section is almost entirely a reconstruction of a sketch of the attack of the British forces on the Yogyakarta Palace in 1812. This section consists of an artificial lake and buildings in the middle, a park around an artificial lake, a large canal that connects this artificial lake with an artificial lake in the first part, as well as a garden. The artificial lake is located in the southeast of the Magang complex to the northeast of Siti

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