This is the Easiest Way to Find Viral Content and Your Target Market on Facebook!
This is the Easiest Way to Find Viral Content and Your Target Market on Facebook!

Mark Zuckerberg is a man born in 1984 who is extraordinary, creating a social media that connects everyone around the world and the largest social media that has ever existed to date.

Until now Facebook has had 1.4 billion users from various parts of the world. If it is assumed that active users of Facebook are residents of a country, then Facebook is the country with the most population in the world beating China which contains 1.3 billion inhabitants.

Of the large population of Facebook, Indonesia accounts for 72 million population, almost 1/3 of the population in Indonesia uses Facebook. The social media analysis company said, based on data showing, 30 billion posts, be it videos, photos and links, are shared via Facebook every month. And from the large population of Indonesia on Facebook, the question is what do you share on Facebook? Then, what does Facebook get with all that?

The worst and best thing about Facebook is "Facebook knows everything about us"

An Advertising and Media Marketing, Scott Goodson once wrote an article in Forbes with the headline "If You're Not Paying For It, You Become The Product," with many Facebook users in the world, including Indonesia, then Facebook is a giant database.

Facebook knows us from age, gender, work, hobbies, interests, even anything we talk about on Facebook. All are recorded and stored neatly in their database with an algorithm created by Facebook.

Facebook Innovates with its Search Engine for Highly Detailed Results
Did you know that Facebook provides a complete search feature called Graph Search? This is used to search for people or posts based on the giant database.

Because the database is too gigantic, then you have to find the data you want to know with very long keywords in English and correct Grammar such as:

Looking for People Based on the Workplace

People who work at x
Friends of people who work at x
People who work with me at x
Search for People Based on Their Liked Fanspage

People who like x and x
People who like x and visited x
People who like x and visited x-city / state
Looking for Foreigners You Want to Know

People who are not my friends that work at x
People who are not my friends that like x
People who are not my friends that live in x-city
People who are not my friends that go to x-school
People who are not my friends that work at x and live in x-city
People who are not my friends that work at x and go to x-school
Browse who are not my friends that work at x and like x
People who are not my friends that work at x and visited x
People who are not my friends that work at x and visited x-city / state

Facebook is the Best Place for Research Competitors or Your New Business
Hundreds of other long keywords you must use if you want to use this Graph Search. In fact, Facebook is the best place to do research, because you can research your competitors using this Search Graph.

With Graph Search tools, you can learn how competitors are promoting, copywriting used, images or visual persuasion to attract customers. In fact, up to many posts that they promote.

This Graph Search innovation owned by Facebook will really help you if you are looking for business ideas. Because, through the data that Facebook has, you can find out what topics are hot on Facebook for you to enter.

You can combine this Graph Search with Facebook Advertising for maximum results. That way, in an instant your business will be very viral if you use a hot topic on Facebook, posts or videos that are busy when using Facebook ads targeted at them.

Facebook is the Best Place to Find Your Business Partner
If you are looking for new friends to work with to start a business or grow a business, then Facebook is the right place.

The Graph also offers the same features offered by LinkedIN. Yes, you have to pay 575 $ to find out who is viewing your profile, looking for people, friend requests, and allowing you to send messages to the inbox of people whose friendship is far from you.

Dengan Graph Search Facebook ini, Anda dapat bertemu dengan orang-orang yang bisa membuat bisnis Anda menjadi lebih baik. Misalnya, seperti calon mitra bisnis, distributor, reseller, merekrut downline, bahkan hingga mencari karyawan.

The Graph, Software Graph Search Buatan Anak Bangsa yang Siap Mendunia
Jika Anda sangat di repotkan dengan fitur Graph Search yang dimiliki Facebook, maka salah satu anak bangsa ini telah menciptakan sebuah tools yang sangat membantu Anda. Tools “The Graph” versi 2.0 ini baru diluncurkan 8 Agustus 2015, dan dalam 3 hari telah dipakai 4000 Digital Marketer seperti Anda.  Bisa jadi, kompetitor Anda belum menggunakan tools ini. Sehingga, Anda berkesempatan untuk mendapatkan peluang yang lebih besar dengan membeli software Graph Search ini.

Software ini akan sangat membantu Anda untuk:
Menemukan viral post, video, photo, artikel dsb
Menemukan best selling & trending produk di teespring, viralstyle, amazon, dsb
Mencari orang yang membutuhkan produk anda
Mencari dan menjalin relasi dengan orang-orang yang berpotensial. Calon mitra bisnis, distributor, reseller, merekrut downline, mencari karyawan, dansebagainya.
Menemukan group yang berisi orang-orang yang menginginkan produk Anda
Memetakan topik dan menggali ide-ide baru untuk produk Anda
Mencari, menemukan, dan memetakan interest untuk mempertajam targeting iklan atau memperluas jangkauan Iklan
Mengetahui siapa kompetitor Anda dan membongkar strategi marketing mereka di Facebook
Masih ada puluhan keuntungan lain yang bisa Anda dapatkan

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