Minangkabau People Culture Duck Racing


Flying duck race

Pacu itiak (Indonesian: Race or duck racing or duck racing) is one of the unique habits of the Minangkabau people. Pacu itiak itself comes from Payakumbuh, Lima Puluh Kota district, West Sumatra Province. This habit is unique because if people usually use cows or buffaloes as animals that are often used to race, it is different from the habits of the Payakumbuh people of Lima Puluh Kota who use ducks as animals that are driven.

The media used as a racing media is rice fields and in its development the community made a special arena for the ducks to race. In this duck runway also given the terms and regulations regarding the runway duck. One of the general rules is that the age of the duck should be around 4 to 6 months and the wings should not be able to choose and the direction of the wings must be up. Seeing the amount of public interest in this race, the race is managed professionally and the Itiak Sports Association (PORTI) is formed.

If you are in this area, you can go directly to the location of the duck racing or see firsthand the unique culture of this one.

This traditional activity has gone downhill from ancient times until now, what is unique about this duck race is the duck as a pacemaker in the arena.

no less interesting than other racers who usually use motorbikes or cars and even bicycles.

This entertainment is very much awaited part of the community to reach and around. even not infrequently the people who are outside the area to go home just following this duck race.

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