Information Technology Research Methodology

Information Technology Research Methodology
Information Technology Research Methodology

In general, researchers know that actually writing an essay is not easy. Researcher often experience how difficult it is to write or write thoughts, ideas, word for word so that it is easily digested by other who read. In the minds of researcher it seems that much can be written but once it begins to write it feels like the researcher is out sentences. Difficulties in writing this matter can researcher see the reality of the weak ability to write on papers, theses or theses prepared by a propective undergraduate student.

Researcher are not accustomed to using language properly and correctly, so the supervisors are forced to try to internet what they are inclined  to with these sentences. It was very apparent that they were not very good at making up coral. Actually, the writing practice has been given since the researcher were in junior high school and also continued in high school, while if it was in university.

Writing a paper such as a final project or thesis is not the same as when researcher write a paper in general, there are certain rules or rules that must be followed by a student who is often called the rules of carriying out scientific research. Scientific research in the form of making a final project or a thesis can be different in all universities according to the discipline of science from the college, but in principle the same is the same.

Research in essence starts from the desire of human curiosity expressed in the form of questions or problems. Every question or problem requires an answer or a solusion, so that the person concerned will get new knowledge which he considers correct.
Research in essence start from the desire of human curiosity expressed in the form of question or problem.

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