STTN BATAN Yogyakarta

Tautan permanen ?
The Nuclear Technology College (STTN - BATAN) is an Official Higher Education Diploma 4 program (equivalent to S-1) organized by BATAN and is officially one of the most suitable and only galvanizing vessels in Indonesia that can produce Diploma 4 professionals in the field of nuclear technology. The degree obtained is a Bachelor of Applied Science.

This college was originally named Nuclear Engineering Education Specialist (PATN) in 1985 based on the Decree of the Director General of BATAN Number: 53 / DJ / 1985 with a Diploma III level of education. To anticipate the progress of nuclear technology in the era of globalization, it is necessary to prepare Human Resources who are experts in the field of nuclear engineering, for that PATN needs to be upgraded to the College of Nuclear Technology (STTN). These changes are also motivated by the rules / knowledge and skills required:

Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 1997 concerning Nuclear Energy.
Government Regulation No. 60 of 1990 concerning Higher Education.
Policy Head of the National Nuclear Energy Agency who wants PATN to become a Professional Higher Education in fostering and preparing quality human resources.
After a discussion between BATAN and the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment (MENPAN) finally, on June 8, 2001 KEPRES number 71 of 2001 was published on the Establishment of the College of Nuclear Technology. This decision was followed up with the Decision of the Head of BATAN Number 360 / KA / VII / 2001 concerning STTN Organizations and Work Procedures. On August 24, 2001 STTN was officially opened by the State Minister for Research and Technology, Ir. M. Hatta Rajasa was marked by the signing of the inscription which is now located on the front page of the STTN.

With the change in shape and status as expected, STTN will later produce Human Resources that have National and International qualifications and with applicable legality.


The College of Nuclear Technology based on the Ministry of Education Decree No.1013 / D / T / 2001 dated 15 March 2001 has 2 majors with 3 study programs, namely:

Department of Nuclear Engineering

Instrumentation Electronics Study Program
Electromechanical Study Program
Nuclear Technochemistry Department

Technochemistry Study Program


Every STTN BATAN student is entitled to the following facilities:

Classrooms and laboratories are fully air-conditioned
Allowance Rp. 50,000 per month
Uniform material 1 set each year
Opportunity to get SIB (Work Permit) as PPR (Radiation Protection Officer) and OR (Radiography Operator) issued by BAPETEN


The graduates of the Nuclear Technology College have very broad opportunities to work in:

BATAN (National Nuclear Energy Agency)
BAPETEN (Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency)
Ministry of Health (Hospital)
Domestic and foreign industries such as health industry, inspection services, non-destructive testing, paper industry, food, mining and energy.
Nuclear Power Plant (Nuclear Power Plant)


Referring to the 2013 tuition fees at the College of Nuclear Technology consists of:

Prasana fund funds: Rp. 3,500,000 (paid once during the lecture at STTN)
SPP: Rp. 1,500,000 per semester
SKS: Rp. 50,000 for theoretical lectures and 100,000 for practicum


The College of Nuclear Technology - BATAN provides scholarships based on PP 77 of 2008, namely:

Achievement Scholarships (Intended for students with IPT & 3.5 and the highest in their class)
STTN Scholarship (intended for underprivileged students)

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